In Ictv Ocvli
5 dibujos. Lápiz de color sobre papel
70 x 100 cm. c/u.
Programa iconográfico de la iglesia de la Caridad. Miguel de Mañara. Jeroglíficos. Vanitas. Juan de Valdés Leal. “Tuve hambre y me disteis de comer, tuve sed y me disteis de beber, peregriné y me acogisteis, estaba desnudo y me vestisteis, enfermo y me visitasteis, preso y vinisteis a verme”. La sabiduría, las riquezas o la guerra tampoco son los vehículos para escapar de la muerte. 1670-1672. Vela. Penumbra. Calavera. Esqueleto. Ataúd. Símbolos de glorias mundanas y terrenales. Globo terráqueo. Gusanos.
Iconographic programme of the church of La Caridad. Hieroglyphics. Vanitas. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Neither are wisdom, wealth and war vehicles for escaping death. 1670-1672 Candle. Half-light. Skull. Skeleton. Coffin. Symbols of worldly and earthly glories. Globe. Worms.