Lista de costo
60 collages imágenes de prensa y texto impreso sobre papel
29,7 x 21 cm. c/u.
Ofertando los cuerpos para el disfrute carnal. Cuidados. Publicidad. Sexo más cuidados es igual a escucha más paseo. “El rechazo feminista del trabajo de reproducción gratuito, que ha pasado entre otras cosas por el rechazo de la maternidad, no ha liberado a las mujeres en un sentido importante del trabajo de cuidados más que durante un determinado periodo de vida, aquel en el que habrían tenido que criar a un hijo. “Mamá ha salido”, rezaba el título de una muestra organizada por el Grupo Feminista por el Salario para el Trabajo Doméstico de Varese. Pero “ha tenido que volver”, debería agregar hoy si relanzásemos aquella muestra”
Offering bodies for carnal pleasure. Care-giving. Advertising. Sex plus care-giving is the same as listening plus walking. The feminist rejection of the work of free reproduction, which has happened among other things because of the rejection of maternity, has not liberated women in any meaningful way from the work of care-giving, except for during a specific period of their life when they would have had to raise a child. ‘Mum’s gone out’ was the title of a show organised by the Varese Feminists for a Wage for Domestic Labour. But ‘She had to come back’ would have to be added these days if we were to revisit that show. The carefree outing hasn’t lasted long. The care-giving issue has resurfaced in a harder, more complex way with the elderly, who often can’t look after themselves.” Paid or unpaid work.